Netskope AWS Control Tower Integration

  • 29 November 2021
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The Netskope CSPM and Storage Scan services are multi-account security solutions that provides visibility into resources, configurations, data protection, and malware on the AWS cloud. Implementing this solution, you can identify and remediate risky misconfigurations, identify sensitive data (DLP), and detect malware and ransomware.


The purpose of the AWS Implementation Guide is to enable every AWS Marketplace customer to seamlessly activate, deploy and configure the Netskope CSPM and Storage Scan in AWS Control Tower environment while taking full advantage of the resources pre-configured by AWS Control Tower as part of the initialization.


Solution overview and features

Netskope Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) and Storage Scan allows organizations to confidently adopt and secure multi-cloud services. The Netskope solution gives organizations the ability to continuously assess public cloud deployments to mitigate risk, detect threats, scan and protect sensitive data, and monitor for regulatory compliance. Netskope simplifies the discovery and remediation of misconfigurations across your clouds to help prevent data loss and inadvertent exposure.


Netskope helps organizations maintain compliance and best practices, provides the ability to audit security configurations and prevent data exposure, and detect "shadow IaaS" services with real-time controls. With these controls you can stop data exfiltration from external and internal threat actors and protect your sensitive data.

  • Netskope CSPM enables you to gain the visibility and control across the AWS accounts in multi-account environments to secure your data, applications and services, maintain best practices and standards compliance, and to automate your incident response.

  • Netskope Storage Scan services allows AWS customers to easily identify and protect sensitive data on the organization's S3 buckets and to detect malware.

With the integration between AWS Control Tower and Netskope CSPM and Storage Scan services you can automatically enroll your existing AWS Control Tower accounts into Netskope CSPM and Storage Scan services, as well assure that new accounts provisioned by the AWS Control Tower account factory will be also immediately protected by the Netskope Security Cloud services.


For more details, see



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