Duplicated Netskope Client "Unique Device ID" when deploy Windows Images by Golden Image

  • 2 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Badge +4

I need deploy Netskope Client with a Windows Golden Image

My support team have a golden image and install Netskope client. Close the Image and deploy this image

But in Netskope report I an see that appear Duplicated "Unique Device ID"

This Duplicated "Unique Device ID" can deleted? 

having a duplicate GUI for the NEtskope client affects or not

What is the best method to distribute the netskope agent using a golden image?

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hello @josruiz

The device ID is based on a combination of factors and the exact generation algorithm changes in R105 (if enabled).  See the below info from https://docs.netskope.com/en/devices.html:

"Netskope Client creates Unique Device Identifier at the time of enrollment. Prior to the version 105.0.0, the Unique Device ID was created based on the hostname and few other parameters. As the hostname is no longer maintained unique in the organizations, with 105.0.0, Netskope Client is enhanced to use the hardware parameters such as Windows GUID for creating Unique Device ID.

Previously, whenever there were devices with the same hostname, it shared the same Unique Device ID. From version 105.0.0, different Unique Device IDs are assigned to each device and no two devices share the same ID. With the new Unique Device ID, whenever the administrator tries to query based on the Client Data , the value for nsdeviceuid."

If your golden image does not change the GUID or hostname (depending on which Unique Device ID is in play) then the device ID will not change.  Are you running into an issue where the device ID is causing an issue or is this a cosmetic behavior that you're inquiring about? 
