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How to block download/upload binary files in zip?

How many layer of zip the engine will unzip for scanning?


What feature are you referring to? DLP or TP?

Hi Ejang


TP and SWG.  For SWG, I will want to block any binary files in compression format such as zip, arj, etc.


First, you need to create a file profile that includes all binary files. Then, create a DLP profile with the file profile. Finally, create a RTP policy with the DLP profile. Please see the sample below.


Hi Ejang

I am using true filetype for blocking.  Binary in zip didnt hit this RTP.  Is this rule correct?


You need to use DLP profile, not activity constraint.

  1. create a file profile including binary file types
  2. create a dlp profile and select the file profile
  3. Use the dlp profile in RTP policy.
