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I'm using the Netskope Provider version 0.2.5 for NPA to query for a list of Publishers based on a site code.
netskope_publishers | Data Sources | netskopeoss/netskope | Terraform | Terraform Registry

According to version 0.2.4 of the provider, I can filter on stuff in the query:

netskope_publishers | Data Sources | netskopeoss/netskope | Terraform | Terraform Registry


This simple query for site code (=key) works well:

data "netskope_publishers" "all" {

        for_each = toset(keys(local.datacenters))

        filter = "publisher_name sw ${each.key}"



However, I'd like to match also on "tags" which is a list of strings, and I'm failing to get that query right. 

I have also tried deploying a Publisher with a tag via the provider, but is there any way I can display that tag in the GUI?

Hello @elawaetz ,

Can you provide a sample of the query you attempt with tags?  Are you referring to application tags or Publisher tags? 

Hi Sam

I am trying to match/filter on both publisher name and publisher tag:



data "netskope_publishers" "all" {
        for_each = toset(keys(local.datacenters))
        filter = "publisher_name sw ${each.key} and tags ne [“EXT"]”







@sshiflett I got a reply from one of your colleagues this morning, that apparently filtering on Publisher tags is not possible yet, but there is an enhancement request for it.


So I guess I just need to sit tight and wait, and/or find other means of filtering in the mean time.
