Private App with Browser access

Userlevel 1
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I am following the steps in the documentation to make apps available from the browser.

Configure Browser Access for Private Apps (

If It uses standard port 80 it seems to work but 443 or any other port I get this error message.

Netskope was unable to provide access to this application for tenant:<xxxx>. User is not authorized to access this app, please contact your IT administrator

5 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +11

Did you ensure below condition is satisfied?


For HTTPS, the private app must either use a certificate that is signed by a trusted certificate authority, or you must select the Trusted self-signed certificate option.



Userlevel 1
Badge +5

That got us further.  Now we are getting an error message in the browser about too many redirects.

Using Netskope defined Browser URL for this app.

It prompts me to login to our IDP with my user name and password which works.

Then the browser returns an error about too many redirects.


Userlevel 2
Badge +11

Seems to be a URL redirect issue, maybe a configuration issue. Refer to below articles to see if it helps decoding the problem. Or I would recommend opening a support ticket. 

Userlevel 1
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I have made some progress but still have issues.  I stood up an on-premise webserver running on standard ports 80 and 443 with a valid cert.  Created the app def for Browser access and it works great with either port..  However if I configure the webserver to run on a different port like 8443 and update the app def it does not work.  A lot of appliances and web management consoles do not run on standard ports so I must be missing something.    I did add port 8443 in the Steering config to steer non-standard ports but that made no difference

Userlevel 6
Badge +16

@barrycuda72 Good morning.  Browser Access works on non-standard ports.  You should not need to add any extra ports to the steering config for this. Do you get an error when you attempt to navigate to the browser access URL?  Does the app report as reachable in the Netskope WebUI? 
