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Documentation Portal Redesign Update

You might have noticed that we have not yet rolled out our neat new documentation portal. We've run into a snag and are working on it. We want to provide you with the best experience we can.


We'll send you another update as soon as we get the kinks ironed out.

The portal really needs a complete overhaul. 

We have customers who are unhappy with:

1. Lack of ability to find the right article for the right feature. 

2. Not every feature has an article available (e.g RPaas has only video)

3. The videos/articles are as old as 2019. No one updates it it seems like.

4. Any development team/support engineer after testing would/should be updating the articles. 

I have to agree with this 100%. Lack of ability to find documentation on a feature or technology is Netskope's biggest problem. Lack of or unable to find. The technology is only as good as the ability of your customers to understand and utilize it.

Hi, thanks for the feedback. The portal is getting a complete overhaul, which is what's been delayed. We ran into a snag. We have a fix and are rebuilding, as we don't want to roll out a new portal that is immediately broken...and I'll bet you a beer that you don't want that either.




1. The search function in the new portal works exactly as that on our www sites. So it's fixed. This is probably the best part of the overhaul.

2. We're creating new content every day, so if you see something missing just let us know.

3. Unfortunately we don't own those videos. We grab whatever we can find and provide them for you folks, but we don't create them. We have a plan to fix that, but not immediately.

4. We do work with Dev, Support, and Test to update the articles.


We always appreciate feedback, so don't be shy. We're not in the field with customers, like you all are. So if you find something that isn't quite right, or that's missing, or could be improved in any way, reach out and we'll fix it for you.

I can attest that clicking the feedback link at the bottom of any techdocs managed article does get fairly prompt responses and often action.

That said, as a user, I think the concern you're hearing raised is that not all the docuentation is managed by techdocs.  There's the official portal, the training materials, and then the support KB articles.  Those KB articles often have clearer and more directly applicable patterns than we can pull out of docs.   However, they aren't maintained with the same rigor as the documentation.   That's where we often find out-dated information and examples.

As a user, it would be greatly appreciated if the KB articles were updated with the same intent to be accurate to what user's see today (whenever that future "today" may be) as the documentation.

Hah hah, yes, Quinn can definitely attest to that! One of our favorite contributors!


And yes, you're absolutely correct. We don't manage the KB articles, which tend to be quite focused (they're often in response to a very specific issue).


We do have plans to make it easier for you to find those KB articles. But we still won't own them. However! If you find one that's particularly (and widely) useful, we do sometimes take their content and create a regular article. So we're happy to do that.


The Support team manages the KB, and they'll update if you let them know.

Happy to see that the resdesign of documentation portal is happening as this will help users to fetch the right article for the right issues. May I know when is the new update releasing? @mfaris 

We don't have a date yet. We're rebuilding today and tomorrow, then we'll test to make sure it's all good. It looks good so far, but we want to be sure.


We'll absolutely post here when it goes live.
