Currently for API DLP Policies you can only exclude by Domain. What is the reason behind not being able to exclude by User address? I have had many instances whereby a contractor is hired and only has a Gmail account, which I am not willing to exclude by Domain. This is generating massive amounts of false-positives. Thoughts?
What application is this for? Exclusions in both Classic and Next Gen API Data Protections should support specific users for most apps:
Its sharing externally via Google Drive specifically. I can choose “All External Domains Except...” and point it to a whitelist I maintain. However, I can’t do this same function at the user level.
That makes more sense. Google Drive is supported in Next-Gen API Data Protection now and appears to have this capability (to exclude specific users instead of domains).
I don’t believe this feature is going to be developed for the classic Google Drive API Data Protection. I’d suggest evaluating migrating to the Nex Gen connector and policy framework. We can work with our Customer Success Manager and local account team to evaluate migrating and verify it will meet all current use cases.
That would be great. We are still using Classic policies for Google Drive and Slack. Not being able to whitelist by user is becoming bothersome and inefficient. I will send out a request to our CSM now. Thx
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