DLP profiles for LATAM

  • 16 September 2023
  • 2 replies



We’re looking for some information regarding PII regulation profiles equivalent to GDPR but customized for the LATAM requirements or regulations.

Do we have predefined profiles for this region?

2 replies

Userlevel 2
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Hi @Felipe_Pachon .

At this moment we have the "BR - LGPD ("Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados" Data Privacy Law)" DLP profile, covering Brazilian Data Privacy Law. EDIT: I forgot to mention Colombia-related profiles.

Anyway, although we do have pre-defined profiles for multiple use cases, the use of custom DLP profiles is highly recommended. Please watch this webinar recording here to understand more about such recommendation: https://community.netskope.com/t5/North-American-Events/Best-Practices-Netskope-DLP/ev-p/7005

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Yes, Netskope provides several DLP profiles for the LATAM region, including:

BR - LGPD ("Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados" Data Privacy Law)

Colombia Personally Identifiable Information

Colombia Finance data


We are continually adding more profiles for specific compliance requirements.
