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It is necessary to install the Dropbox desktop application, download the executable from the official website, at the time of installation it does not finish the installation.

In the Steering Configuration EXCEPTIONS option, the application is bypassed but it still does not allow the installation, how can I remedy it?

There could be a number of issues as to why it does not install.  Since I do not know the specifics of the machine you are trying to install on, I would examine the following.

  1. During which portion of the install does it fail?  Examine if there are error logs for the OS or application which might point to a culprit.  Make sure you are installing the application as an administrator.
  2. Review the nsdebuglog.log file to determine where the process or executable is destined to.  If the application is using “dropbox.exe”, look in the log file to “see” where it is headed.  The take that destination and search SkopeIT application events or alerts.
  3. Review SkopeIt Application and Alerts for blocks or notifications that indicate there are destination issues.  If you are licensed for CFW, there may be an outbound port policy blocking.  If the app is reaching out to a site or application category that is being blocked, this might be the cause.

If you cannot determine where or why it is failing, please reach out to support or your technical account team for an assist.  We’re here to help!

Hi @xavy2310 

Hope you are doing well. If answer shared by @stevan helps to answer your questions. Please feel free to mark his answer as a Best Answer


