Reverse Proxy Limitations

  • 20 May 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

Hi Team,



We are having a customer requirement regarding an Private application/Custom Application which SaaS based application. Like HRMS so I need to know the R-proxy part as the we can able to done reverse proxy in NG-SWG as client want a visibility to there pvt app/custom app for unmanaged user accessing the Application. I got confused a little bit here. Does R proxy able to support the custom or pvt apps or just support the known business' usage application in R proxy like 0365 Gsuite. Salesforce etc. Can i do reverse proxy integration with Custom apps and Pvt app we approaching the NPA CASB but due to some commercial they want to try it on NGSWG. 

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +14

From my understanding, Reverse Proxy via NGSWG is only available for the noted supported applications and not for any custom web or private applications. I have not heard this as part of a roadmap either, but not surprising due to many factors especially reverse proxy should only be used in certain situations and should NEVER be used as a default option. 


What you may be looking for is clientless NPA, however the customer would not get the ability to apply granular controls this way.  Clientless NPA has DLP capabilities for private web-based applications today (80/443), with expansion into other protocols later in the year. 
