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Dear Valued Partners,


We sincerely thank you for your active participation in the Technical Workshops hosted by Customer Solutions Group (CSG) at Netskope.

In this post we are sharing Partners' Netskope Academy links, which have recording and slide-deck of the most recent workshops. 

To access recording of a Customer Workshop, log-in to your NETSKOPE ACADEMY account, and then click the desired link listed below. 

If you have question about partner programs, resources and certifications, visit Netskope partner portal  -



Netskope 101 & Common Use Cases (Webcast: 01-FEB-2024)

“Review of Netskope customer journey, deployment and adoption. Basics of SSE, SASE, SSL decryption, zero trust concept, and context based policies. Valuable technical learning resources for your technical success.”

Effectively working with Netskope Technical Support (Webcast: 2022)

“Valuable tips and best practices shared by leaders of technical support team on how to resolve your technical support issues faster. Overview of support engagement, best practices, local troubleshooting tips with demo.”



“Next Gen SWG is much more than a traditional SWG, which provides traditional security to web traffic only. While a Next Gen SWG handles both cloud apps and web traffic, and also provides enhanced security against a wide range of threats, including those related to personal instances of managed apps, and shadow IT apps. 

This series of technical workshops help you understand power of Netskope NG-SWG, which has built-in zero trust capabilities.”

Level - Beginner

NG-SWG: Introduction and Concepts (Webcast: 29-FEB-2024)

Insights for Risks associated with cloud traffic (Webcast: 2022)

Best Practices for Real-time Protection Policies (Webcast: 2022)

Level - Intermediate

Fundamentals of Steering Client (Webcast date: 16-Feb-2023), previously JS-3

Client Traffic Bypass Workshop (Webcast: 08-FEB-2024)

Client Architecture Workshop (coming soon ..)

Best Practices for Policies: Part-1 (Strategy and Planning) (Webcast date: 23-Mar-2023)

Level - Advanced

Fundamentals of Steering & Policies (Webcast date: 16-Mar-2023), previously JS-4

Best Practices: Netskope Client Configuration (Webcast date: 03-Aug-2023)

Best Practices for Policies: Part-2 (Usecases Implementation) (Webcast date: 30-Mar-2023)

Netskope for Generative AI Tools, such as ChatGPT (Webcast date: 10-Aug-2023) 

Provisioning users in Netskope tenant (coming soon ...)

NG-SWG Office Hours - A Q&A Sessions (Webcast: 28-MAR-2024

Level - Expert

Advanced Troubleshooting: Steering Client (Webcast date: 23-Feb-2023)

Unmanaged Devices: Securing Managed App Access (Webcast date: 25-May-2023)

Netskope for Mobile Devices (iOS & Android) (Webcast date: 22-June-2023)



“Zero Trust is a security concept that requires all users, even those inside the organization’s enterprise network, to be authenticated, authorized, and continuously validating security configuration and posture, before being granted or keeping access to applications and data. Netskope has built-in zero trust capabilities from the beginning. 

Netskope Private Access (NPA) is part of the Netskope security cloud and enables zero-trust secure access to private enterprise applications in Hybrid IT. This series of workshops help you learn the power of NPA, the ZTNA solution from Netskope.”

Level - Beginner

ZTNA Next - Introduction and Use Cases (Webcast: 04-APR-2024)

Level - Intermediate

Netskope Private Access (NPA) Fundamentals - Part-1 (webcast: 2022)

Level - Advanced

Netskope Private Access (NPA) Fundamentals - Part-2 (Webcast date: 11-May-2023)

Level - Expert

Advanced Troubleshooting: NPA (Webcast date: 26-Jan-2023) 

Advanced NPA features: pre-logon, browser-access, local-broker (coming soon ...)



“Netskope Threat Protection unifies multiple threat protection technologies to address both internal and external threats. By decoding cloud and web traffic, this feature provides advanced visibility to protect not only against cloud-enabled threats and new cloud kill chain vectors, such as various cyber attack, malware, and malicious websites; but also protect against insider threats in form of risky user behavior.

In this series, you will learn about Netskope’s overall threat protection suite of products, fundamental concepts and architecture of the Threat Scanning Service, or TSS, behaviour analytics (UEBA), and RBI to ensure maximum protection “

Level - Beginner

Netskope Threat Protection 101 - Introduction of basic concepts (02-September-2024)

Level - Intermediate

Threat Protection 201 - Part 1: Tenant Preparation/Malsites/IPS (Webcast: 03 Oct 2024)

Threat Protection 201 - Part 2 - Malware Basics and Best Practices (Webcast: 10-Oct-2024)

Threat Protection 201 - Part 3: Malware Advanced Topics (Webcast 16 Oct 2014)

Netskope Threat Protection (Part-1) (Webcast: 11-APR-2024)

Netskope Threat Protection (Part-2) (Webcast: 25-APR-2024)

Level - Advanced

Behavior Analytics (UEBA): Overview & Demo (Webcast date: 27-April-2023)

Remote Browser Isolation - Safely isolate uncategorized and risky websites

Level - Expert

Cloud Exchange - Integrate Netskope with existing security tools (Webcast date: 07-Sep-2023)



“Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is an enforcement solution for cloud applications and public cloud resources that is ideal for addressing regulatory compliance requirements and protecting sensitive data in your enterprise.

In this series you will learn fundamentals of Data Governance, that is, DLP as business strategy driven program, followed by introduction of Netskope DLP technology, demonstration of its capabilities, and concepts of data identifiers, rules and profiles.”

Level - Beginner

Data Governance & Reporting options (Webcast date: 13-Apr-2023), previously JS-5

Level - Intermediate

DLP as business strategy driven Program (Webcast date: 24-Aug-2023)

Level - Advanced

Best Practices & Deep-dive: Netskope DLP (Webcast date: 14-Sep-2023)

Level - Expert

Advanced DLP configuration (coming soon)



“Behind the high-performing SASE of Netskope, there exists our own private global network infrastructure, which ensures an excellent digital experience. As described by Netskope CEO Mr. Sanjay Beri in a recent CRN article, Netskope owns and operates World’s Largest Cloud Network’ For Security, known as NewEdge. 

In this series your will learn an overview of the NewEdge security private cloud architecture and key design principles. Its unique network capabilities, that further bolster security without performance trade-offs”

Level - Beginner

Introduction: Network for Cloud Security (Setting the context)

Level - Intermediate

NewEdge: Netskope's Private Security Cloud (Webcast date: 28-Sep-2023)

Digital Experience Management (Webcast date: 02-Mar-2023)

Level - Advanced

NewEdge: Spotlight on Mainland China (Webcast date: 12-Oct-2023)

Proactive Digital Experience Management (P-DEM) (Webcast date: 09-November-2023)

Level - Expert

Network Performance - Advanced Troubleshooting (Webcast date: 05-Oct-2023)



“Netskope Advanced Analytics (NAA) is an interactive big data analytics solution that provides you with a 360° view of your organization's cloud risk posture covering applications, users, and data - All within the Netskope UI.

In this series you will learn how to get actionable insights about your environment, security posture and risk exposure. Starting with an overview of Advanced Analytics, a user investigation Demo, customizing dashboards by leveraging a library of built-in dashboards, scheduling & sharing reports with executives.”

Level - Beginner

Product Overview: Advanced Analytics (Webcast date: 09-Mar-2023)

Level - Intermediate

Getting started with Advanced Analytics (Webcast date: 02-November-2023)

Level - Advanced

Participate in Monthly Office Hours published in weekly schedule



Client Secure Enrollment Recording Links:

API-Enabled Protection for Data-at-rest in your managed cloud apps

Netskope for IaaS - Security assessment for public cloud workloads


We value your feedback on these workshops so that we can enhance the content. Also share any other topic of your interest for future workshops.

Thanks for sharing such a great content for our Partners @kvarshney 👍

Excellent sharing, thanks Diego.

Hi Team,

Added links for recent session on Client Secure Enrollment recording links under additional topics, kindly see below details:


Client Secure Enrollment Recording Links:

Hi Team,

Added the recent session on Netskope Threat Protection 101 - Basic Concepts recording links, details mentioned below:

Level - Beginner

Netskope Threat Protection 101 - Introduction of basic concepts (02-September-2024)

Hi Team,

Added the recent session on Netskope Threat Protection 201 - Tenant Preparation/Malsites/IPS recording links, details mentioned below:

Threat Protection 201 - Part 1: Tenant Preparation/Malsites/IPS

Hi Team,

Added the recent session on Netskope Threat Protection 201 - Part 2 - Malware Basics and Best Practices recording links, details mentioned below:

Threat Protection 201 - Part 2 - Malware Basics and Best Practices

Hi Team,

Added the recent session on Threat Protection 201 - Part 3: Malware Advanced Topics recording links, details mentioned below:

Threat Protection 201 - Part 3: Malware Advanced Topics
