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Hello Folks, 


Below you can find a recap of questions asked at the August office hours session and those sent in that we were not able to cover during the session. Feel free to comment and continue the discussion, as well as attend future sessions that can be found on the Community Events Calendar!


Q: Are there any recommended “getting started” dashboards for new users?

A: The CASB & NG-SWG Dashboards are designed to help you maximize the ROI of your Netskope CASB investment by highlighting ways to fully utilize Netskope’s features. This dashboard includes to-do lists, recommendations, and best practices, making it valuable for leadership reporting. It also helps you understand if your controls are working effectively by showing trends and showcasing the value of your team’s work.

The Security Health Check (Self-Service) Dashboard offers a comprehensive self-service tool for performing health checks and identifying security concerns or gaps in your environment. It covers two main dimensions: how Netskope is protecting your environment and what Netskope is protecting your environment from.

Q: I saw a new Disabled Client Dashboard in the community. What is that dashboard about?

A: The Disabled Client Dashboard helps you explore several key aspects related to disabled devices in your environment. It provides insights into:

  • The total number of devices that are currently disabled.
  • The percentage of devices in your environment that are disabled.
  • The reasons why these devices are disabled.
  • The number of users who are disabling their devices, and identifies who these users are.
  • The duration for which the devices have been disabled.

This dashboard is designed to help you enhance device protection through better Netskope Client enablement.

Q: How to get high-level & detailed views into user activities that present risks to our business? 


  • High-level View: Use the Application Activity Summary Dashboard in the Netskope Library. This dashboard provides a broad overview of user activities, focusing on unsanctioned applications. It highlights top users and activities, including application usage, instance details, activity types, and traffic volume. It serves as a starting point for identifying potential risks.
  • Detailed View: Use the User Investigation Dashboard in the Netskope Library for in-depth analysis. This dashboard allows you to conduct thorough investigations into risky user activities, offering detailed insights into traffic flows and actions taken. It is ideal for understanding the specifics of risky behavior and its impact on your business.

Q: How to report on application usage by category & user division?

A: The Application Category Dashboard would help you on this. This dashboard offers detailed visibility into the application categories within your environment, including:

  • The top used applications in each category, both managed and unmanaged.
  • Information on risky applications, including their traffic and data movement in each category.
  • Application instance tags.
  • Policies and alerts triggered by applications in each category.

Q: Looking for best practices on all category reviews, and how to track application CCL if they fall below certain thresholds.

A: For Category Review, you can use the Application Category Dashboard. This dashboard helps you review application categories, including top used applications, risky applications, and policies and alerts triggered in each category. To Track App CCI/CCL, you can utilize the Application Risk Management Dashboard. This dashboard allows you to monitor applications with low CCI/CCL, including their usage and traffic.


Q: Are there any latest dashboards about generative AI controls and monitoring? 

A: Yes, the AI Usage Dashboard is the latest tool for monitoring and controlling generative AI. It provides insights into AI usage within your environment and highlights the controls implemented to manage AI traffic. A significant update to this dashboard is the Application Instance widget, which uses a Sankey chart to clearly illustrate the traffic flow of AI app usage. This dashboard not only helps monitor and control AI app usage but also enhances instance awareness by identifying whether your data is moving within your corporate instance or to a public large language model.


Q: How to set up my own AI Usage Dashboard and share with our executive team?


  • Customizations: Start by customizing the dashboard to fit your needs. Adjust the settings to focus on specific AI usage metrics, traffic flows, and controls. Tailor the Application Instance widget and other features to highlight relevant information.
  • Share with Executives: Once your dashboard is set up, you can share it with your executive team. Schedule regular updates, and use export options to provide them with reports in their preferred formats.


Q: I need assistance with building out some dashboards specifically around blocked sites, total events, categories, etc. 


  • Build a Custom Dashboard: Create a new dashboard with a focus on blocked sites. Filter the data by setting the action to "block" or "block access" to capture relevant events.
  • Add Additional Visuals: Incorporate visuals that help illustrate the data effectively, such as charts or graphs that display blocked sites, event totals, and category breakdowns.


Q: Are there any dashboards that can help us better understand DLP? 


  • DLP Policies Dashboard in the Netskope Library: This is a DLP policy focused dashboard that gives an overview of DLP policies active in the tenant, how they are behaving, and offers information to help fine tune the policies. You can use the cross-filtering feature by clicking on a specific policy in the chart. This allows you to focus on policies with an extreme number of alerts triggered and identify the sources of false positives. This helps narrow down the scope and refine the policies.
  • DLP Incidents Status Monitoring in the Netskope Library. This dashboard provides visibility into DLP Incident Status Monitoring, specifically with open and outstanding incidents, incidents created, and incident resolution time. 

Q: I want to create a Sankey diagram showing web traffic to US & non-US users. Also want to get data which shows justifications by us.


  1. Custom Dashboard: Web Traffic Sankey
  • Create a custom dashboard specifically for web traffic using a Sankey diagram. 
  • Filter the data by setting the "destination country" to either "United States" or "non-United States" to differentiate the traffic flows.
  1. Justification Data
  • For obtaining justifications, look into the data sources or logs that record reasons or actions associated with web traffic. This might involve checking for specific tags, notes, or fields in your data related to justifications and actions taken by your team.



Links to be shared

Welcome to Netskope Advanced Analytics Office Hours!


If you have any questions, feel free to type them in the “Q&A” panel or click the “Raise hand” button so that we can discuss your questions in the session.


Resources for today’s session:


Training Resources Post: 


CASB Health Check Dashboard:


NG-SWG Health Check Dashboard:


Security Health Check (Self-Service) Dashboard: 


Disabled Client Dashboard: 


Application Category Dashboard: 


Application Risk Management Dashboard: 


AI Usage Dashboard Demo Video: 

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