Weekly Netskope Community Round Up, May 24-Jun 2, 2023 πŸ”₯πŸŽ‰πŸ‘‹

  • 2 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi, everyone!  Julie here, again with a weekly update. I hope you find this roundup helpful!  If you do, leave us a comment below.  We’re trying new ways to communicate with all of you and we’re hopeful you find these posts valuable.


One quick shout out to @nduda for becoming this month's Featured User!  You’ll find his profile on the homepage, so you can easily click on his profile and see his great content. Thanks Nick for all you do!


Here’s a quick recap of what our Community team has been working on: 

  • Our team implemented the Feedback button on the side of the Community page for users to easily access a page to let us know about any issues or ideas you have about the Community.  The Feedback button will blink until after you click it for the first time. The feedback board is up and can be accessed here.
  • We’re working to update the email templates/notifications that are dynamically generated based on your subscriptions.  They’re bland and need to be refreshed, so we’re starting on that project soon.
  • We’re also working on publishing a redesigned Community events calendar to make it more user friendly by adding more filters, which should enhance your experience based on your region/topic.


✳ Another reminder to sign up for the Netskope Fan Club.  If you would like to join us for some exclusive opportunities, please check out The Netskope Fan Club post for a $25 gift card and a chance at an Atari Lego set! We’ve noticed that some users haven’t fulfilled the requirements and we want to make sure you get the gift card and a chance at the Atari Lego Set, which is worth about $240!

  • Remember, you must subscribe to the Community News & Announcements forum.  We pulled the list of subscribers and some Fan Club applicants have not yet completed this task to get the gift card.  

  • Drawing for the Lego set is on June 12, 2023, so make sure to subscribe!


Here comes your weekly roundup:

🗓️ Upcoming events 🗓️

Weekly SME workshops in 2023: schedule and recordings

  • In this post we share the global schedule for the first half of 2023. When you click any link in the schedule table, it will take you to the community event page, where you can either register for the upcoming event, or access the RECORDINGS OF PAST EVENTS

SASE Accreditation

Protect your Business from Internal and External Threats (Part 1 of 2) (APAC)

Boston SASE Summit 🔥

Protect your Business from Internal and External Threats - Part 2 of 2 (NAM)

 📚 Congrats on being a Top Liked Author!  📚

🏆 Shout Outs 🏆 

You’ll find the list of our Top Liked Authors over the last 30 days on the right side of the homepage.  Congrats for making valuable contributions to help other users!

💪  Trending Discussions  💪

👩‍💻 Posts that need solutions
(Help your fellow community members!) 👨‍💻



1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +16

Congrats @nduda 

